First, as "the most generous individual Hong Kong donor to relief efforts in earthquake-devastated Sichuan when he pledged HK$100 million for rebuilding schools in the province" (from The Standard, May 15, 2008).
Second, within the same week, with the announcement that he plans to sell his stake in TVB, the television network that he and the other Shaw Brothers founded--see this article, also from the 5/15 online issue of The Standard. This news has the Asian markets buzzing.
Sir Run Run, Knighted by Queen Elizabeth II in 1977, would continue to be one of the wealthiest people in the world had he not given away a great deal of his vast fortune throughout his life. He's left an extraordinary legacy.
The love you have to Shaw Brothers films, I really think Run Run should adpot you!
You LOVE Run Run Shaw more than anyone I know on this planet! :)
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