
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Happy Advance 100th Magda Olivero March 25

This has been a big week for centennial celebrations of the birth of not just great, but the finest of world artists. Another of the creative personalities who has been among the most influential to me in my appreciation of art is the one-and-only, Magda Olivero. Remarkably, this great Italian soprano -- who defied classification as a lyric, spinto, etc. -- is not being honored in memory, she is still with us at age 100! (Her birthday will take place tomorrow, March 25.)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Centennial Tribute to My Favorite Director Kurosawa Akira

I am swamped with work and cannot write a fitting tribute to the master of world cinema, Kurosawa Akira (黒澤 明, or 黒沢 明), in my opinion the greatest film director of all time, who would have turned 100 today (23 March).

I almost can't describe in words the impact that all of the films in his canon that I've seen have made on me. I'll elaborate further when I have a moment to write again. In the meantime, 生日おめでとうございます Otanjobi omedeto gozaimasu, maestro. I hope you are still making great films in Heaven.
